Little Witch Academia - Episode 5 - Witch Eat the Rich

I've been slowly making my way through Little Witch Academia, something I should've done a long time ago, especially given how much I drool whenever I see DiAkko fan works. You might honestly think I'd already watched the damn show, lmao.

In this episode, I particularly loved Amanda and Akko squabbling with each other. Those stubborn little idiots cannot stop trying to one-up each other, and it's just fun as hell. Akko, I would say, is the most brash of the two of them. She has literally no sense of scale, and will stand up to anyone and anything, no matter how unqualified or likely to die she is. It's both endearing and terrifying. That level of ramming your head into the wall is so reckless that i’m amazed she hasn’t died yet. I have the feeling that I'll be saying that for a while.

The dragon was certainly not what I was expecting. Capitalist, loan shark, stock market playing dragon was the exact thing I never expected to see in my life. Good job Little Witch, you subverted my expectations in a way I never expected possible. Typical that this conflict would be solved by the dragon committing fraud and lying about their contract. And once their deception is uncovered, they fold under the pressure of little miss perfect Diana. Compared to the subversion of the dragon reveal, it's a rather predictably lame way of resolving the conflict. Any real rich loan shark that was this deeply invested in deceiving a lesser class out of their money would probably let this go to court, and use their wealth to get exceptional legal council. Diana may have a very authoritative manner of speaking, and she may have torn his scheme wide open, but we're talking about a literal giant dragon here. There has to be some legal system that enforces this contract. Who runs that legal system such that our loan shark dragon is so deathly afraid of the consequences of his deception?

Look, these are all stupid questions. I enjoyed a fun little roller coaster of an episode where the school had its magic stolen by a dragon, but it turned out they were actually not paying their loans to the dragon and he was reclaiming his property, but it turned out the dragon had actually been stealing through legal deception for years. I just couldn’t help but look at how this capitalist dragon folds so quickly under the pressure in a situation where I feel like he still had a great deal of power.

My conclusion, then, is enough of dragons eating the witches. It's about time the witches eat the rich. I mean, the dragon. Eat the dragon.

Close enough.


Little Witch Academia - Episode 6 - WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.


Ranma ½ - Episode 1 - A Girl Named Ranma